Sustainability Initiatives
Youth Empowerment
With nearly 40% of Ugandan citizens engaged in poultry farming, the agriculture industry is an ideal youth employment opportunity. We currently train and employ over 10 youth, but aspire to employ over 200 as we expand production to 15+ farms by 2021.
Because they are exothermic, Black Soldier Flies are a natural waste converter. During harvest, they transform leftover nutrients into biomass for livestock feed, creating a zero-waste cycle that adds value to cities.
Healthy Soil
Land degradation and soil erosion are major threats to agricultural productivity. At MAWA, we do our part to counteract soil erosion by repurposing Black Soldier Fly excrement and selling it as rich, all-natural fertilizer to vegetable farmers.
Local Commitment
Our direct partnerships with waste management organizations help us reduce overhead and transportation costs. At our farms, we train, employ, and sell locally to feed mixers and poultry farmers for local consumption and export.
Land & Water Conservation
With almost 30% of all land devoted to animal production, insect-based protein is a less land-intensive alternative. As a protein source that requires lower water intake, Black Soldier Flies can help relieve the problem of overfishing in Lake Victoria.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Organic waste accounts for nearly half of all carbon emissions. Most of this waste winds up in landfills or open dumps, where it decomposes and emits different greenhouse-gasses such as methane, which is 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide. By producing Black Soldier Fly larvae, MAWA provides a safe and toxic-free way to compost waste at scale.